>I’m not done with the society yet, it’ll take some time.<
I’m mainly a social, open, and logical person, and / an Agnostic / an Agnostic Atheist / an Atheist / Irreligious / who can speak English. I’m independent, and responsible for my own actions. I care about freedom, and ethics. I’m polite to strangers, respect each other’s privacy, engage in small talk, am curious at times, and have my own ideas and opinions. I’m a critical thinker, have a mind of my own, and try to be a good person. I like real people who are nice to others. There is science, logic, and reason.
I accept scientific consensus.
And that’s why I made these STELLAR SOCIETY cards. The card’s like a funny but serious thing that sits in my wallet, reminding myself to be a good person. And, of course, there are many more things, like having a social life, and to be patient, things take time, and to privately judge people by their actions. And you might be creative, or something else. And we all have relationships, personal space, free time, relaxation, rest, and much more. And life’s different for everyone, and it makes you, the wonderful person that you are!
We all have human rights. And don’t worry, we all make mistakes, and we all have a bad day sometimes. We’re only human. Just try to learn from mistakes. And if another person can’t talk or chat in a normal way, then you can say something decent about it, or just ignore them, unless they do something criminal, of course. Then, they should be arrested. And, please, don’t let yourself be bamboozled by charlatans! They come in all shapes and sizes. If they don’t provide scientific facts, and just blabla, it’s basically bull.
So, if you think roughly the same way, and want to be a member, then, welcome! You can find your card below! I sized it according to the recommended resolution of the MOO Size Business Cards, and you can order your cards there as well.
More STELLAR SOCIETY images below.

- I’ve received my MOO Size Original Business Cards! Don’t they look amazing? I’ve written my first name on the front with a blue ballpoint pen, but it’s kind of tricky. Please don’t let that discourage you.
- I’ve made new back card designs!
- New front card designs again. I’ve made the important words Bold Italic, and you don’t have to write your first name anymore, although you still could, of course.