I’ve changed the good global citizens banner flag. It looks better now.
I’ve made a new positive atheists triangle logo and hats. I’ve actually thought I would make the logo for hats only, but I think it looks great as a normal logo too. Click on a product to see more images and choices. Positive Atheists Embroidered Hat by GBsPlaceNet Positive Atheists Embroidered Hat by […]
I’m finally done. I wasn’t aware of certain scaling options in Illustrator, so I’ve remade all the images again, from the ground up. I’ve revised some, and made some new ones as well. That’s why it took me some time. I’ve created three new covers for my site. The GB’s logos are almost all revised, […]
>I’m not done with the society yet, it’ll take some time.< I’m mainly a social, open, and logical person, and / an Agnostic / an Agnostic Atheist / an Atheist / Irreligious / who can speak English. I’m independent, and responsible for my own actions. I care about freedom, and ethics. I’m polite to strangers, […]
*THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER RELEVANT* I created a logo for myself and other Positive Atheists out there. It took me quite a while, but I’m very happy with the end result. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions, etc., in the world. Positive Atheism, also called strong atheism and hard atheism, is […]